Ready to launch your course into the world and build the online teaching business of your dreams?


Digiteachers Biz Academy

The 8-week business program for passionate teachers ready to launch their first online course and start building their freedom-filled online education business. 

Opening in....

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Digiteachers Biz Academy

The 8-week business program for passionate teachers ready to launch their first online course and start building their freedom-filled online education business. 



You know you want to launch a course into the world and build an online education business, but let's be really honest, it feels overwhelming and you don't know where to start. Whether you have tried before and struggled, or whether you have just heard about this concept and you're so interested to do it, you're here for a reason.  

You're unhappy with the teaching conditions that you're in and you have a deep desire to change your life and build more freedom, financial security, and flexibility on your terms. You know launching an online course is your ticket to creating this beautiful reality but it feels like an impossible dream.

Your heart is saying yes but your mind is saying ''you're crazy, you can't do this''. 

I know how that feels.

Let me guess - it is likely that...

While you love teaching and serving others, you know you can't continue teaching this way for the rest of your life.
You feel like you are stuck, limited and on a one-way train to burn out land.
You know this can't be 'it' and you are destined for more. More travel, more money, more time with family, and more joy in your work.

      You have the determination to change your life by selling courses online, now you just need to be given a step-by-step plan to build, launch and fill your online course that allows you to create the income and impact you deserve as an educator.

      Oh heyyyy! I'm Michelle Smit 

      I'm here to make launching your online courses and building your education business easier, fun and wildly profitable.

      I know, I know. You're probably thinking that you are just a teacher and you don't know a thing about creating and selling a course online, let alone have all those marketing and business skills needed to make it work.  

      I get you. That is exactly how I felt in 2018. 

      I was a teacher, just like you and I taught 6 hours a day, 6 days a week at a minimum. I was burnt out, overworked, undervalued and unfulfilled in my work. I knew teaching like this was unsustainable and I needed to make big changes. 

      So I took a leap of faith and invested in a mentor to help me create and launch an online course (despite me not knowing a single thing).

      Fast forward to 2020: I went from making €25.000 a year as an online teacher to making €120.000 from one course alone in my business. I quit my teaching job, and haven't looked back since. Not only have I found a way to scale my income exponentially, but I have also done it in a way that doesn't rely on me trading my time for money and teaching more hours as a teacher. 

      I truly believe that I have found the key to unlocking freedom as a result of what I have learned and done in my online teaching business.

      And now it is my mission to empower other teachers, educators, and trainers by giving them all the tools and training they need to build a profitable online teaching biz that unlocks this incredible freedom in their lives too. 

      And that is why I have decided to package every single thing that I have done in my business to generate this success into the Digiteachers Biz Academy.  

      Imagine if you could...

      Create an online education business, an asset, that you adore which brings you the abundance, freedom, and flexibility you desire in your life.
      Package your teaching knowledge into an online course that you can keep reselling for years to come, eventually making you money whilst you sleep!
      Feel valued for the work that you do and the impact you have on the world.
      Create financial security and location freedom in your life as you start earning enough in your own business. 
      Work fewer teaching hours (or none) but you are bringing in more income than you have before. 
      Double, triple or even tenfold your current income. All because you focused on launching and selling an online course. 

      With an online course based education business, you will no longer have to...

      Feel dependent on someone or something else to bring in your income… You’re your own boss and you are in control!

      Teach more hours or classes trying to make ends meet.

      Have a glass ceiling over your salary and earning potential. With launching online courses, your income potential is uncapped.

      Teach poor curriculums on topics that don't light you up.

      Teach on someone else's schedule and be refused a decent time off from your school or company.

      Burn yourself out by trading your time for money everyday.

      Feel stuck, trapped, limited and uninspired working in a job you don't exactly love.

      Introducing the

      Digiteachers Biz Academy

      The 8-week business program for passionate educators ready to build their freedom-filled business through launching courses online

      Let’s be real:

      The last thing you need is any more vague help or information to grow your online education business and launch your courses. 
      As a busy teacher on a mission to change your life, you require step-by-step support in the entire process from A-Z in creating and launching your courses online. You need someone who has done it multiple times before you, who can lead you directly to success in the most enjoyable, and streamlined way possible.

      You don't have any time to waste. You want to know exactly:

      • How to create a compelling and highly effective online course.
      • How to launch a course and fill it with tons of ideal students so you can exponentially scale your income and impact.
      • How to set up all the tech pieces of the puzzle of your business with ease.
      • How to build a beautifully optimized website, without needing a designer.
      • How to build powerfully strategic funnels that attract your dream students and build your audience on autopilot.
      • How to sell and make your own money in a way that feels good to you.

      And that is what Digiteachers Biz Academy will teach you.

      Vivian has made over €30.000 since joining DBA and launching her courses!

      ''DBA has literally changed my life!

      I followed Michelle's strategy and my first launch was a huge success! It was a €5k launch and I got to help 32 students! A few months later, I launched again, doubled prices, and again.. a €5k launch!

      Meanwhile, I'm working on other low-end offers that bring me passive income! I'm launching again in a few weeks and this time, the goal is a €10k launch!

      Investing in DBA was scary, but I would do it again in a heartbeat! I wouldn't be where I am right now if I hadn't joined DBA. Thanks Michelle for being my first mentor!"


      Dutch teacher for expats

      Jennifer joined DBA and went from no course to making $8000 in her first-course launch in 4 months!

      "OMG - you won't believe it!!! I have just about hit €8000! I am scrambling filming video for building the course. I can hardly believe this.

      Thanks so much for checking in with me''


      Stock dog trainer 


      Digiteachers Biz Academy Gold combines 2 months of group coaching and detailed training, so you can nail your course launch (and the one after that, and the one after that, and… you see where I'm going with this, right?).

      8- Weeks of Step-By-Step Online Business and Course Launch Training.

      This is where you will learn everything from A-Z in creating and launching your online course so that you can fill it with students and scale your income and impact. I have included everything I have done in order to generate €40.000 in 5 days from a course launch and running a profitable 6-figure online business.

      These training modules are all pre-recorded and done in your own time and will help you with every single step of the process, so you can have clarity and confidence in this process and hit your goals with more ease

      8 Group Business Coaching Sessions With Me

      Let’s be honest — There is no chance that you won't have business obstacles and challenges as you create your course, launch it and build your online business. Obstacles are part of the process but they are not a reason to not move forward.

      So I will be doing group coaching sessions with you weekly to dive into all your personal obstacles and roadblocks in both strategies and in mindset so that you can overcome all of this and streamline your way to launching and making the income and impact you desire. 

      Access to a VIP Facebook Community

      If there is one thing that will speed up your journey to creating this freedom-filled online education business, it is the people you choose to surround yourself with.

      Being part of this VIP community allows you to surround yourself with other ambitious, driven and inspiring edupreneurs who are walking the same journey as you. Launching courses and building a business in isolation does not work, so this community will become a place to help you rise up higher than you ever thought was possible.

      In a nutshell:

      80+ Online
      Training Videos

      7 modules giving you step-by-step training on how to build your online education business from zero to launching your course and filling it with students online. We have left nothing to the imagination!

      Access to a
      Resources Library

      Filled with plug & play templates that you can use to build your website, emails, teaching courses and launches.

      PDF Guides, Workbooks, and How-To Docs

      An entire library of additional resources to make your business-building journey as easy and seamless as possible. 

      VIP Access to an Inner Circle Community

      Full of like-minded edupreneurs all building their online teaching business with you. This is essential for your support and growth!

      Long-term Access

      Get long-term access to all the content enabling you to watch again as much as you need!

      Long-term Access means for as long as the course lives! 

      Group Coaching

      For DBA Gold and Platinum, you will receive weekly group coaching sessions with me so we can work on a deeper level to get you launched in no time. 

      This is what you'll achieve each week...

      Module 1

      Your Inner Game and Discovering your Dream Life and Business

      Get crystal clear on the type of business and life you want to create for yourself

      Dream big and discover your real desires

      Go inward and create your unique North Star vision for your life and biz

      Transform your inner game with ongoing mindset coaching to ensure that you are becoming the edupreneur version of yourself each day

      Module 2

      Your Niche and Ideal Student Avatar

      Determine and define your viable teaching niche market using our proven assessment process

      Get specific on exactly who it is you are going to serve by identifying your ideal student avatar

      Discover exactly what impact you would like to have on your students

      Get into the hearts and minds of your ideal student avatar. Doing this will be the greatest thing you ever do when it comes to your marketing and business success

      Module 3

      Online Biz Fundamentals for Success

      Cut out all the fluff, and learn only the core marketing essentials you need in order to find your own students and generate your own money

      Learn our value-based marketing approach which helps you increase your conversions with students so they will actually work with you or buy your teaching programs and packages

      Discover the only two pages you must have on your website to build your online business successfully from the start. No high-tech website skills are needed!

      Module 4

      Conceptualize your Irresistible Teaching Offer and Program

      Become crystal clear on who you want to serve and the problems your course will solve. Learn the secrets of building a teaching program that is enticing and leads students to buy

      Discover the golden rules of pricing your programs and products online

      Learn how to position yourself as unique in the marketplace and stand out from the crowd

      Create an epic course experience so that your students feel supported, excited and inspired from the moment they decide to work with you

      Module 5

      Build your Simple but Powerful Website Funnel

      Discover our simple 2-offer funnel strategy that will allow you to build your email list of students on autopilot

      Discover the key rules to building a high-converting website that is optimized for finding your ideal students

      Go from theory into real action - Follow step-by-step training on how to build each step on your website funnel. Follow our videos and by the end, you will have the foundation of your online teaching business built!

      Module 6

      Build your Audience of Students

      Learn the essentials to paid methods of marketing which add fuel to the fire and allow you to grow your audience in no time

      Learn the essentials to organic methods of marketing which build a relationship with your students and create a warm and engaged audience

      Discover the 5 pillars to powerful content creation to attract and serve your ideal students

      Move from theory to action and start building your audience using our step-by-step strategies

      Module 7

      Launch and Fill your Program with Students

      Discover the timeless and powerful strategy of launching which gives you a license to print money and sell anything you want online.

      Learn the 7 essential mental triggers to incorporate into your launch so students buy from you.

      Learn how to build a great online experience for your students by delivering value through training videos and live calls.

      Follow our step-by-step training to take the leap and launch your course with momentum so that it fills with students and makes you great money!

      Plus these game-changing extra bonuses... 

      Bonus #1 – Value €297

      Launch Timeline Tool

      A sophisticated excel worksheet and planner to help you map out your course launch down to the day! It maps out every step of the process and tells you what you need to do and when. Launching will be one of the best skills you ever learn as it gives you license to print money!

      Bonus #2 - Value €497

      Selling Made Easy Masterclass 

      You don't have a business and you can't make money if you don't learn how to sell. This training introduces selling in alignment without feeling sleazy, so you can impact more students and make the income you desire in your launches. 

      Bonus #3 – Value €997

      DBA Pro-Template

      No more slogging away on your own to try and build a beautifully branded website and funnel. We have crafted a gorgeous website, course hosting backend and sales funnel to help you sell your courses & offers. Simply download the templates and get going in half the time.

      *This is for any of our students who host their course and business on
      Course Creators Kit

      Bonus #4 - Value €297

      Edupreneur Mindset Masterclass

      The single most important thing to help you achieve a successful and profitable online education business is your mindset. In this training, we are going to dive into the key mindset you need to embody in order to be successful in transitioning from educator to edupreneur.  

      Bonus #5 - Value €397

      Members Only Facebook Community

      Surround yourself with other like minded, ambitious online Edupreneurs who are walking the exact same journey as you. Be inspired, supported and connected every step of the way.

      Bonus #6 - Value €997

      Launch Email Swipe File
      When it comes to launching or selling anything online, you will need lots of sales emails! I will give you all the high-converting emails you need so that you don’t have to waste time coming up with it yourself!

      Bonus #7 - Value €497

      Content Creation Masterclass

      This training will help you build content that speaks directly to your ideal students, resonates, and guides them into taking action and working with you.

      Bonus #8 - Value €1300

      12-Week On-The-Spot Voxer Coaching
      This is an intimate group on Voxer for our DBA Gold members where we can connect easily as we go through the training. You will have access to me from Monday-Friday to ask questions / receive coaching as you move through the training. This allows you to overcome your hurdles and progress way more quickly!

      *This Bonus only comes with DBA Gold & Platinum

      Bonus #9 - Value €497

      Audience Accelerator Membership

      We have paired up with our Facebook specialist to grant you access for free to his Facebook advertising and organic marketing training membership for our DBA Gold members. He will walk you through step-by-step on how to grow your student audience online using both paid and organic marketing methods.

      *This Bonus only comes with DBA Gold & Platinum

      Bonus #10 - Value €2000

      6 Group Coaching Calls
      This is where you can ask me your questions. And receive coaching from Monday-Friday for 12 weeks. (2x per month) This allows you to move through your struggles more quickly!

      *The group coaching only comes with DBA Gold & Platinum

      All these bonuses are valued at over €4500

      Join Digiteachers Biz Academy before midnight (CET) 6nd of August and get them all for FREE.

      The Digiteachers Biz Academy is for you if...

      You are a traditional teacher/online teacher/ trainer or coach who wants to build an online course and grow your own business. 

      You already have an online teaching business but you want to expand, improve and scale it by launching a teaching course online.

      You are driven to create massive change for the better in your life and you are willing to go to work to build a business and life you love. 

      You desire step-by-step guidance and mentorship to help you build your online teaching business. You know that the fastest way to get results and be successful in this is to get help from a mentor who has the results you want. 

      You are ready to push yourself out of your comfort zone, grow, evolve and learn a ton of new and incredible skills in business, marketing, course creating and launching.

      I went from earning €2K a month as an online teacher to making €45K a month through launching one program

      What our amazing DBA students are saying

      Tuness Prinsloo

      ''I would recommend Michelle’s course to anyone and everyone who wants to design their own healthy working environment and leave a financial legacy for your family. It is just amazing.''

      Jonel van Schalkwyk

      "Michelle’s Digiteachers Biz Academy is 100% worth the investment. I am a DBA student who has launched my own course and made over ¤8000 in 2 days doing so.

      I am the biggest DBA fan and if you want to change your life, then this is the program for you."

      Chloe Rowan

      "Michelle, I've made my first ever course sales! Aaah! Oh my goodness, yay. Awesome! Thank you so much for all of this help. I couldn't have done this without you is an understatement. I feel so blessed. Thank you. ''

      Lindsay Roberts

      "I have just completed Michelle’s Digiteachers Biz Academy course. I highly recommend it to you if you are wanting to start your own online business. It was incredible, I thoroughly enjoyed it and it really, really has made me feel confident in starting my own online business''

      Preeti Rai

      ''Investing in Michelle’s DBA Academy was one of the best decisions of my life. The course took me from idea to execution. What I use to dream about has now become very real! I keep going back to modules because they are packed with so much goodness and golden nuggets of information that I could not find elsewhere. If you are ready to set yourself free, get your time back and live the life of your dreams then DBA is for you..''

      Irene Bermudez

      "While I am yet to launch, the wealth of knowledge I gained by continuing on to DBA is already worth my investment and more. I am now ready to build my email list and I feel confident that I can launch my product successfully when the time comes. I loved learning with Michelle and the DBA community keeps me motivated to keep going."

      Mick Stocchi

      "Thank you so much, Michelle! I could never have done it without you. Your course and business are absolute gold. You have created a masterpiece and have truly changed my life. I have lots more work to do, up until I launch but thanks to you, I know exactly what to do and how to do it!''

      Julia Morrison

      "My favorite aspect of DBA is how it has encouraged and strengthened my own personal belief in myself to become an entrepreneur and to see the value I inherently have to offer. It will do the same for you. Michelle helps you to unearth your true and full potential to start your own business that YOU are passionate about!''

      Jen Larrivee

      Teacher by trade, stock dog training business

      Jennifer launched her first-course helping people train their stock dogs and she made $8000 within 4 months of joining DBA!   


      Videographer and teacher

      Tuness helps new parents with the development of their children and launched her first course within a year of joining DBA. 


      Classroom teacher

      Lindsay joined DBA and was able to launch her first-course helping parents support and understand their newly diagnosed autistic child. 


      Online teacher

      Jonel launched her first course and made €8750 within 4 months of joining DBA. She has now had multiple €10K months, moved to Portugal, and works entirely online.

      Doors close to

       Digiteachers Biz Academy in

      Here are the investment options:

      DBA Silver

      (Excl Coaching)


      Or €297 over 4-months

      Or €207 over 6-months

      Digiteachers Biz Academy Course 
      Access to VIP Facebook Community
      Bonus Content Creation Training
      DBA Pro Website Templates
      Keep-on-track Checklists
      Launch Timeline Tools and Templates
      Edupreneur Mindset Masterclass
      Exclusive Members Only Portal
      Long-term Access to training 

      DBA Gold

      (Incl Coaching)


      Or €397 over 6-months

      12 weeks Access to Voxer Coaching
      6x Group Coaching Sessions
      Access to Audience Accelerator 
      Digiteachers Biz Academy Course
      Access to VIP Facebook Community
      Bonus Content Creation Training 
      DBA Pro Website Templates
      Keep-on-track Checklists
      Launch Timeline Tools and Templates

      Edupreneur Mindset Masterclass
      Exclusive Members Only Portal 
      Long-term Access to training

      And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in's our ''love it or leave it'' guarantee: 

      We are 100% confident that Digiteachers Biz Academy will give you everything you need to build your online teaching business by selling teaching courses online.

      Here at Digiteachers Biz Academy, we have a no-hassle refund policy. This means that should you need a refund; we'll refund your money back immediately with no questions asked.

      All you have to do is to email within 14 days of purchasing and we’ll refund you the money immediately. The risk is on us. 

      Jonel, an online teacher, joined DBA and went from zero to making €8650 within 5 days of her first course launch!

      "I made €8650 and filled my course with 45 eager students! I am beyond grateful and excited about the future. This is going to change our lives. Thank you Michelle for everything!"

      Jonel Van Schalkwyk 

      Frequently Asked Questions

      You may be asking yourself...

      What are the main differences between each tier of DBA?

      The tiers vary in terms of how much support you get throughout the program. 

      DBA Silver: is the course content and has no coaching.

      DBA Gold: is the course plus 8 weeks of group business coaching and access to the Audience Accelerator Bonus which will help you grow your audience online. We have limited this round to 10 students only so we ensure our students get the best support. 

      DBA Platinum: This is the course plus the done-for-you program and includes 3-months of 1 x 1 coaching, access to coaching Voxer group, and done-for-you website, branding, tech, and funnel services. This is application-based only and we have limited it to 3 people. 

      How long is the Digiteachers Biz Academy program? Can I do it in my own time?

      I will be running this program completely live. It will take us 8 weeks to get through the material together week by week. However, the program has been built to be followed in your own time. You will receive lifetime access to the modules, so you can do this entire program in your own time...for years to come!

      How much time will it take for me to see results and make money online?

      If you keep to my pace and apply yourself thoroughly then it can take you around 4 months to launch your first online course, sell it to students and make your own money online. This result is entirely dependent on you and how much you commit to and prioritize this venture.

      Do I need technical skills?

      It will help if you have some tech know-how. Remember, this is an online business and so you will be creating everything online. This will require some computer literacy. However, nothing extreme is needed. Our goal is to make this as easy for you as possible so we will give you detailed technical training and show you how to do everything step by step 😊

      Who is the best fit for the Digiteachers Biz Academy?

      This program is designed for all teachers, educators, trainers or tutors. It doesn’t matter your age, your shape, your qualifications or your nationality. The truth is that anyone with the passion, commitment and drive can start their online teaching biz provided they really want to. I do not suggest people join this program for a ‘’get rich quick’’ scheme as there is no such thing in business. If you are ready to go deep and transform yourself from educator to edupreneur so you can make the kind of income and impact you desire, then this program is for you.

      Can I do this program at a later date?

      I am not sure when I will be running the Digiteachers Biz Academy yet.  Also, when I run it again the pricing and bonuses will likely change. If you want to get in at this price with these bonuses (which is a steal) then I recommend that you join now.

      Can I do this even if I have no business skills?

      Absolutely! This entire program is geared specifically for educators who are good at teaching but have no clue how to do anything business and marketing-wise. This includes marketing, sales, and everything in between. When I started my journey 2.5 years ago, I was exactly like you with a passion for teaching and helping people but very little clue on how to build my own teaching business. To say I had no business skills would be an understatement :D These are all learnable skills. I intend on taking you through everything step by step so that you will develop these incredible skills that will allow you to find your own students, sell your services and make your own income online! By the end, you are going to be online biz kings and queens!

      Do you have a payment plan?

      Yes, we have payment plans for all the Digiteacher Biz Academy tiers. 
      Check the pricing table on the page to view payment plan options. 

      It's time to take back your power as an educator and create more money in these crazy economic times. It's time to shift into an edupreneur who earns for themselves so you don't have to depend on anything/ anyone else.

      I am giving you everything you need inside The Digiteachers Biz Academy to scale your launches and make more money without you having to do all the things all by yourself.

      All you have to do is say YES.

      Yes to your vision. Yes to your goals. Yes to creating a life and business that you can't wait to wake up to. 

      You ready? Let’s do this!

      It's time to take back your power as an educator and create more money in these crazy economic times. It's time to shift into an edupreneur who earns for themselves so you don't have to depend on anything/ anyone else.

      I am giving you everything you need inside The Digiteachers Biz Academy to scale your launches and make more money without you having to do all the things all by yourself.

      All you have to do is say YES.

      Yes to your vision. Yes to your goals. Yes to creating a life and business that you can't wait to wake up to. 

      You ready? Let’s do this!

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