What if there was a way you could impact more students and make more money...without spending hours teaching all day?


A 5-day Bootcamp that teaches online and freelance teaching business owners how to package their knowledge into an online course that gives them more freedom, flexibility, and financial security.

All recordings are included in your ticket

You're a passionate educator or teaching business owner with expertise to share and students to help. You just really want to find a more sustainable way to teach and earn.

There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from creating the life of flexibility, freedom and money you desire as a educator. 

Which one is keeping you stuck?


You spend the majority of your time in the classroom, teaching and dealing with administrative tasks, which has you feeling burnt out and drained.

You're a passionate educator who wants to make a greater impact and earn more money, but you don't know how to make that happen and that makes you feel stuck. 


You have been taught that the only way to earn an income is by teaching more and more hours. This keeps you on a never-ending teaching cycle that leaves you feeling exhausted.

What you really want is to create a life that allows for more freedom and flexibility while still making a positive impact on your students.  


You initially thought that teaching online would be the solution, but you quickly realize that the hourly pay barely covers your expenses and the constant demand for classes leaves you burnt out and unable to grow your income. 

You crave a teaching model that allows you to make more money and reach more students, without sacrificing your well-being and passion for teaching. You have no clue how to make that happen and that leaves you feeling hopeless. 

But it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to earn the money you desire, let alone find time to plot your escape from the teaching treadmill. This is causing you to…


Stay in the same cycle where you keep trading your time for money through actively teaching every day while trying to fight off exhaustion.



Teach double-time to increase your income slightly so you can enjoy that holiday you’ve been dreaming of.

And no matter how hard you try, you’re struggling to create more money, flexibility, and freedom in your life without burning out rapidly from the never-ending teaching cycle. Sound familiar?

Here’s the truth. If you’re really wanting to create more income, impact, and time freedom as a educator, then you’re going to have to stop trading your time for money.

It doesn’t matter how great of a educator you are. If you don’t start focusing on how to take your knowledge and package it into a digital product that can sell and impact others for years to come, you’re going to struggle to escape the teaching treadmill!

Successful educators who have increased their income online know that in order to make more money whilst teaching less, you need to stop focusing on 1 x 1 classes or classroom teaching and commit to creating one thing instead.

And that's a scalable, relatively automated, irresistible online course.

Because at the end of the day, if you keep offering more one-on-one teaching hours or teaching in classrooms, you’ll never actually be able to create the income you truly desire, right? There aren't enough hours in the day!

Once you have mapped out your irresistible online course, you’ll be taking a huge step in creating a life of more freedom, flexibility, financial independence, and fulfillment as an educator. 

So let’s do this!

What's Up! I'm Michelle!

If we haven’t met before… I’m a teacher, turned online teacher, turned online business coach for educators. I have gone from earning $25K a year by teaching all day every day for online ESL companies to earning over $300K in 3 years with one online course (all without teaching more hours).

While that all sounds magical (which it is!), achieving this was no walk in the park. In fact, when I first came across online business and courses, I had no idea what they were and was a total newbie!

But in July 2020, I was ready to ditch the trade-your-time-for-money teaching treadmill and go all-in on my own online course-based business. Since learning how to deliver my knowledge within a group course, I have created more income and impact than I thought was even possible! How?

Because I finally realized that packaging my knowledge/expertise and passion into an irresistible group program was the perfect solution to create more freedom, flexibility, and money in my life as an educator (without having to teach more hours). And in this 5-day Bootcamp, I'm sharing the exact steps I took to change my reality, so you can do the same.

A student of mine 4x'd her teaching salary in 5 days with her first online course launch!

A 5-day Bootcamp to Help Educators Craft a Compelling Online Course That Can Scale Their Income And Impact For Years To Come (Even If You Have Zero Marketing Skills).

What's Included:

5 Days of Live Training to Take You From “WTF do I do” to Having Mapped Out Your Irresistible Online Course in 5 short days. 

Each day, I’ll be going live inside our members-only Facebook group to help you work through the key ingredients to an irresistible course that can sell. I’ve taken the highs and lows from my own course experience and have distilled them into the essential steps you can take right now to get your first course mapped out and ready to go. Let me shorten the learning curve for you.

Training 1

Your Niche & Dream Student

One of the first steps in building a profitable online course that sells is deciding WHO you're creating it for - aka your niche.

On day 1, we're going to get crystal clear on the students you want to serve. We're going to get into the hearts and minds of your dream students so you can magnetize them to you.

Training 2

Your Program Promise

Every compelling offer helps students achieve a tangible goal they want to invest in. However, most educators completely miss this vital ingredient when creating their courses and struggle to make sales.

Inside this training, we’re going to get clear on your program promise and A-B transformation so you can feel super confident when selling your offer.

Training 3

Modules For Success

To create an effective online program, you need to structure it in a way that ensures it gets your student's awesome results (so they rave about you)!

In Training 3, I will walk you through this process to help you map out all your modules and a clear roadmap for your students to lead them to amazing results!

Training 4

Pricing For Profit

Pricing is a huge challenge for educators, who often undercharge or shy away from charging their worth out of guilt and fear of scaring students away.

In this training, you’ll learn a pricing strategy that ensures your course is profitable and makes you good money without turning your students off!

Training 5: Masterclass

How To Fill Your Course With Students

If the thought of marketing your course and filling it with students scares and overwhelms you, it won't after this module.

In this Masterclass, I am going to introduce you to my 4-step process on how to launch your offer online and fill it with aligned, dreamy students you can't wait to work with. 

Whether it’s getting your first few students or scaling your course up, by the end of this training you'll feel super energized and motivated to dive into selling your offer (in a way that is totally achievable)! n.

On top of all of that, you're also going to get access to a curated bonus suite to take you to the finish line faster...

Bonus #1

Catchy Course Name Cheat sheet (€197 Value)

Did you know the name of your course can affect your ability to sell it?

This cheat sheet will help you spark so many new ideas that you will find your amazing course name in no time.

Bonus #2

Juicy Bonuses Vault (€297 Value)

Nothing screams ''take my money'' more than adding powerful and intentional bonuses to your offer. This vault gives you a bunch of bonus ideas that you could use to add value to your course so you can feel confident and boost sales!

Bonus #3

Mindset Magic Masterclass (€497 Value)

A scarcity money mindset is often what keeps educators stuck in a struggle cycle. This is one of the biggest reasons why they find it hard to make more money.

In this Masterclass, we are going to tackle the peskiest limiting beliefs that are keeping you from creating the abundance, freedom, and flexibility you truly desire.

Bonus #4

Course Offer Blueprint (€397 Value)

A fill-in-the-blank Course Offer Blueprint so you walk away knowing exactly what your money-making course entails.

This Blueprint will help you lay out your entire course and design it in a way that is so damn compelling, it’ll be stupid to say no to it.

Bonus #5

Course Tech Set-Up Training (€397 Value)

Course tech is one of the scariest parts of the process that holds educators back from launching their courses. But not after you have done this bootcamp.

In this training, we have the owner of the Course Creators Kit who is going to show you the essential features/tech systems you need in order to launch your own courses online so that you can feel confident and ready to go in no time.

Discover your niche, map out a compelling course, and make more money while teaching less.

By the end of our time together, you’ll have your first online course mapped out and ready to go so you can stop burning yourself out teaching all hours of the day and actually can start leveraging your expertise and making the moolah you truly deserve and desire. 

Get the step-by-step training to show you how to take your teaching knowledge and package it into a scalable online course for just €37. 

When you sign up for the "Educator Income Booster Bootcamp" you’ll get…

Training 1: Your Niche and Dream Student (€597 Value)
​Training 2: Your A-B Transformation (€597 Value)
​Training 3: Modules For Success (€597 Value)
​Training 4: Pricing For Profit (€597 Value)
​Masterclass: How To Fill Your Course With Students and Make Money (€597 Value)
Bonus 1: Catchy Course Name Cheat sheet (€197 Value)
Bonus 2: Juicy Bonuses Vault (€297 Value)
Bonus 3: Mindset Magic Masterclass (€597 Value)
Bonus 4: A Fill-in-the-Blank Course Blueprint. So You Walk Away With All the Clarity on Your Money-Making Course. (€397 Value)
Bonus 5: Course Tech Training (€397 Value)

Grab over €4.500 in value...for just €37

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself… here’s my 10x guarantee:

I 100% guarantee that you will love this Bootcamp.

If after the end of Day 1 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 10X the value of your investment I will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email me by 8:59am CET on Day 2 for a full refund.

Sound fair?

Disclaimer: This refund policy excludes any downloadable content like the "Course Tech Success Guide". Only tickets for the live training are eligible to be refunded.

This value for money model works. But don’t take it from me. Here’s what some of my previous students say:

Have a burning question?

Here’s what’s come up for other Bootcampers:

I’m just a educator and have never created an online course. Would this work for me?

Totally! This Bootcamp is designed for educators just like you. As long as you have the desire to build a course that will free you from the teaching treadmill, you are in the right place (regardless of your experience).   

Where and when is the Bootcamp happening?

It's all going down inside our pop-up Facebook group! The training each day will be streamed into the group so you can tune in live or watch the replays. Did I mention you also get access to the replays for 6 months? Yep, you heard that right!

What times will the trainings be?

The training will be every day at 5 pm CET / 11 am EST. You can expect them to be an hour long, with Q&A sessions at the end.

Our VIP coaching calls for those who upgrade to VIP will be at 7:00 pm CET / 13:00pm EST daily. All replays will be made available right afterwards.

What if I can’t make it live?

Don’t worry about it! Your ticket comes with access to the call recordings for 6 months, so you can watch whenever is best for you. However, I’ll be jamming out and answering questions live, so I HIGHLY recommend you show up and make the time! If you don’t prioritize your biz now, when will you?

Will selling a course help me increase my income?

Totally! By focusing on creating and selling an irresistible course, I have been able to 5X my teaching income for 2.5 years in a row now. I am talking about making 6-figures from one course alone! I didn't call this the 'Educator Income Booster Bootcamp' for nothing. 😉   

What if I have no niche or course idea at all? Is this for me?

Then you are definitely in the right place. In training 1 of the Bootcamp, I am going to help you discover your specific niche and identify your dream student avatar (as well as get in their hearts and minds). Then in the next few training days, I will help you take your expertise and craft a compelling course idea and fully map it out.

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, lovely educator.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes.

If you're sick and tired of the trade-your-time-for-money teaching treadmill...  

If you've ever thought ''There is no way I can sustain this work for the rest of my life"...

If you're fed up with having to overwork, overdeliver, and give so much of your time without feeling rewarded, fulfilled, and financially secure in return. 

Then straight up? You're making a mistake if you're not in this Bootcamp.

Because "doing nothing" and hoping your circumstances miraculously change is a surefire way to stay stuck and struggling in the same place you are now. And you deserve better than that.

So... will I see you there? 

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