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Are you ready to make daily sales from your courses and hit €5K-€10K months without live launching 24/7. 

You're in the right place. 

Let's get right to it, edupreneur. 

You've made some sales in your business. Now you're ready for way more.

You run your own online education business and you've got a course or group program that has sold and had awesome results.

You desire to take your business to the next level with more impact, and of course, more delicious money!

Your next immediate step is to sharpen your skills, step into your power as a badass business owner set up powerful evergreen sales machines that sell for you 24/7🤩

Does this sound familiar?

You have a course that you sells but you are tired of the live launch rollercoaster and you want to sell courses every week semi-passively. 

Your launches convert but now you need a bigger email list but you squirm at the idea of all this money spent on ads. 

Your students are getting great results but you aren't fully stepping into your power and confidence as an authority/expert in your industry. 

You are making sales, but you're kind of just winging it and not strategic about retaining your current students with ascension offers. 

You find yourself having to sell manually all the time and it is taking you away from doing what you REALLY love in business like teaching and impacting others. 

You are tired of unpredictable monthly income and craving some more stability.   

You've got the drive, you've got the vision and now you are just looking for the right container and support to quantum leap your results.

Introducing the

A 4-month group coaching container helping educators in business sell their courses 24/7 and build consistent €5k months (even when they aren't live launching). 

What's Up! I'm Michelle!

If you’re new to me… I’m a teacher, turned online teacher, turned online business coach for educators. I have gone from having an €800 dollar launch all the way to a €60K launch in a few years.

To be dead honest, I'm a bit lazy and I enjoy my freedom more than anything. So I am super intentional about how I run my business. This has meant I have figured out to grow, without the burnt out, hustle, and grind.

And I have gone to scale my business to 6-figures a year, consistently for 4 years, by focusing on these three components:

  • Audience growth (paid and organic)
  • Evergreen sales with a a few live launches a year. 
  • Identity, belief, and energetics

These are the three core components that allowed me to hit over €100k for years in a row, all whilst taking months off for holiday and downtime. 

This is the magic of using aligned strategy and potent energetics to match it to create beautiful, quantum results in business. And this is what I am going to help unlock in you and your business.

We will focus on the three key areas for quantum business growth

1-Audience growth 

You know that in order to scale up your business you need to grow your audience but you are having a bit of a challenge doing it.

In the Growth Accelerator, I will show you how to create a powerful list-building machine that grows your list 24/7, turns those leads into customers in DAYS and pays for your ad spend! 

2- Launching & evergreen sales

You've launched your courses but now you really want to sell them all the time semi-passively. 

In the Growth Accelerator, I will teach you how to create a profit-making machine that sells your course 24/7, literally whilst you sleep!  

3- Energy, identity & belief

If your intention is growth and to make more money in your business, then you need to create the right energetics to hold and match that growth. Our internal reality is a mirror for our external results.

In the Growth Accelerator, we start aligning our energy, identity, beliefs, and the internal world to match our next big goals: €5K, €10K, or €30K months!

This is what you will get:

6 group coaching calls

The calls will be dedicated to having advanced business conversations around strategy, launching, and mindset / energetics to grow your business with ease and joy.  

12-week Voxer coaching

This on-the-spot coaching group will serve as a place for you to get support Wednesday-Friday from me on all things strategy, mindset, and energetics. Think of me as a coach in your pocket to help you break through to the next level. 

6 bonus modules 

You can expect advanced training on all things launching, selling, audience growth, and the energetics that can move you to hit and hold those bigger cash months. 

Bonus Training includes...

Bonus #1

Instagram Audience Growth Expert training (Valued at €697)

Organic marketing is KEY to growing your online business and content really is king in this world. This can be and often is a massive pain point for educators in business who are wanting to grow their audience and income. 

We have got an Instagram expert coming in to train you on how you can boost your brand awareness and grow warm leads organically on Instagram. And yes, this includes Reels training (because it's one of the best ways to grow your online community). 

Bonus #2

Scale Up Your Launches And Profitability Training (Valued at €597)

Launch strategy runs deep and you are wanting to learn how to enhance your launches and boost profitability.

In this training, you are going to learn different launch strategies and simple things that you can do to hit those €5k-figure launches (€10k, €20k, €30K)

Bonus #3

Accelerate Your List-building Mini-Course

(Valued at €297)

We know building your email list can feel as slow as watching paint dry but it is an intrinsic part of a growing business. This training is going to give you ideas/ ways and strategies for growing your email list with qualified leads who will later become students!

Bonus #4

Evergreen Sales System Training

(Valued at €597)

Once you start launching and selling offers successfully, the obvious next step is to layer in some evergreen sales into your business. This is the next piece of the puzzle (and an epic new skill) to unlock in your business journey. 

In this training, I will dive into an evergreen webinar sales strategy that made us €5k-€10k months. Once you put this in place, it can sell your offer whilst you sleep! 

Bonus #5

Step Into Your Badass CEO Self-Training and Visualization (Valued at €397)

In order to create big cash results in your business, strategy can only take you so far. If there is a misalignment between your identity and belief system, you will struggle to create and hold new levels of success. This is a common point of struggle for edupreneurs wanting to scale up. 

Part of growing your business includes stepping into your next-level identity and CEO version of yourself. This means 'BECOMING' the version of her BEFORE the results come. 

In this training and guided visualization, we are going to step into our 5-figure CEO selves now. And from that energy, we take aligned action.  

Bonus #6

Your €5K business model and offer suite

(Valued at €597)

One of the biggest reasons why educators in business struggle to create and even comprehend bigger cash months is because their offer suite and business model doesn't support or allow for it.  

In this training, I am going to dive into choosing a business model that suits your lifestyle and North Star vision and we are going to get intentional around your offer suite so that you strategically compound and stack those offers to hit €5k-€10k months. 

Combining customized strategy with potent energy and intention for aligned business growth.

This is what I have done in just three launches in 2022 all whilst taking close to 5 months off. 

I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you...

  • What would it be like to wake up each morning to sales notifications of students buying your courses DAILY?

  • To be making €5k-€10k months in your business with confidence, alignment, and joy?

  • To no longer struggle with doubting yourself, and become confidently rooted in yourself as the leader and business owner you desire to be (whose new energetic minimum is €5K months)?

I want you to know that you really can have it all!

How will this program run?

This will be a co-creation based on what you need and I am open to adjusting/adding to the curriculum if necessary. However, this is what you can expect each week. We will alternate between training and a coaching call each week.

Week 1: Step into your CEO identity training

Week 2: Coaching call & integration call

Week 3: Your €5K months business model and offer suite

Week 4: Coaching call & integration call 

Week 5: Instagram growth training 

Week 6: Coaching call & integration call  

Week 7: List-building mini course

Week 8: Coaching call & integration call 

Week 9: Funnel and evergreen training 

Week 10: Coaching call &integration call 

Week 11: Scale Your Launches & Profitability Training 

Week 12: Coaching call & closing ceremony

The vibe of this container:

Expansive group of impact drive educators in business ready to rise up together.

Playing bigger and creating bigger cash months whilst working less (through intentional strategy).

Taking action, learning, and expanding is the norm.

Deep, meaningful, and 'woo woo' conversation and talking all things strategy and energy.

You are ready to lean into discomfort for growth and make bold moves in your business.

What past clients have said

"Third-course launch: I made plenty of mistakes and so many things to improve, still had 35 clients and made enough profit to quit my job.

I know my next course launch will be a huge party. Michelle Smit, you changed my life!"

Colin Schouppe

"Until I saw Michelle and she just put so much confidence in me because she has a system and a framework. She has the metrics, and she shows you step by step what you should be doing, she literally laid out this entire map for me of what I needed to do which is so incredible. That’s, I think, what l loved most as I felt completely clear, and I had a direction. She didn’t just focus on the numbers either; she really went into the mindset as well. So, I just can’t recommend her enough. Thank you so much, Michelle, and yes, 10 out of 10 would recommend it."

Erin Katherine

Plant based health coach

The Growth Accelerator is for you if: 

You understand the fundamentals of online business and launching (you're not a total beginner).

You have a course that sells but now you just want to sell MORE of them. 

You have an email list but you are looking to grow it faster without spending all your $$ on Facebook ads.

You desire to have bigger launches and evergreen sales to hit €5k-€10K months and you are ready to embody your CEO's next-level self to make it happen.    

You are craving to unlock your next-level version of playing bigger, leadership, and potential that you KNOW you have.     

What's the investment?

This is the pre-sale price for this program. 




6 group coaching calls

12 weeks of Voxer support

Instagram growth expert training

Advanced launch training

Evergreen Sales System training

Deeper energetic and mindset work

Intimate container with other ambitious edupreneurs playing bigger in their business




6 group coaching calls

12 weeks of Voxer support

Instagram Growth Expert Training

Advanced launch training

Evergreen Sales System Training

Deeper energetic and mindset work

Intimate container with other ambitious edupreneurs playing bigger in their business

The price will go up to €2222

The Growth Accelerator starts on March 20th

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You will have long-term access to all the calls and training

Frequently Asked Questions

You may be asking yourself...

Who is The Growth Accelerator for?

This is for the business owner who has some experience in online business, selling, and launching. This isn't for a beginner. 

If you have made some money in your business (whether through 1 x 1s services, courses, or digital products) then you are going to benefit greatly from The Growth Accelerator. 

If you desire to hit €5-figure launches and bigger cash months and you're ready to go all in, then this is the container for you. 

How many people will be in this container?

I am unsure, we could have 2, or we could have 10!

Either way, I will make sure that you get all the support and guidance you desire and deserve. That's how I roll!

What is the end goal of this program?

The end goal is for you to level up YOURSELF and as a result your business so that you can start quantum leaping your results and hitting those 5-figure months! 

In other words, make more money and do it in a way that feels GOOD to you.

Using both strategy and energy's, we are combining the recipe for beautiful growth and success.

I am from DBA, I haven't launched or sold anything yet, is this for me?

The Growth Accelerator is for you if you:

You have gone through all DBA training  

You know your niche

You know the impact you want to have

You have experience in your work

You understand the fundamentals of online business

You are desiring customized biz support and strategy, closer mentorship, and accountability. 

You desire growth, expansion, and inner transformation. Going deep! 

If you are still a total beginner and unsure of your niche and what you desire to do then this isn't for you YET. 

Would love to have you join us in the future❤

I launched and didn't make sales, is The Growth Accelerator for me?

As long as you have made €1000 in your business in any capacity (even selling 1 x 1), The Growth Accelerator is a place where you can grow. The fact that you have made €1000, means you can make €100.000!

The best way to stretch yourself to grow and expand is to put yourself in containers that will require that from you, that is what The Growth Accelerator will do.

Are there refunds?

There are no refunds for this. 
I'd like you to come into this program with ''ALL IN'' energy. That means you don't flake on your commitment to yourself, your goals, and your business.  

From that ''ALL IN'' energy, we will create magic together.

What's the price and do you have a payment plan?

The pre-sale price is €1444. This is the lowest price this program will ever be.
It will increase to €1777 on the 8th of March. The full price of this program is €2222. 

And we have 3-month payment plans available! 

Are you ready to make consistent €5k months a non-negotiable in your life? 

Join the Growth Accelerator and let's walk this journey together

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